Kynsa ha Diwettha – Agan Tirwedh Bewa ha Gonis
First and Last – Our Living Working Landscape
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Ludgvan SunriseWelcome to the new Penwith Landscape Partnership website! This website is our Virtual Landscape Hub- a place for us to share news about the work we're doing as part of the First and Last: Our Living Working Landscape programme, and an opportunity for us to share information about the Penwith landscape itself.

Among others things you will find on this site: details of our events, interactive maps to explore some of the trails and ancient sites we will be working on, information on becoming a volunteer, and summaries of all of our projects. There are also specific sections to share more about the archaeology and trails in Penwith, and information for Penwith farmers. You can also find out more about us including the team and our partners, and use our contact form to get in touch.

If you have any comments regarding the site do please let us know. Thank you.

Tagged under: GeneralKedhlow Ollgemmyn